Miss Tori and
I @ the Las Vegas air port waiting to get on the plane.

At the hotel- One of the 1st outfits daddy bought Tori.

Just cuddling his princess after a long day of work.

Happy to be together--Love Justin's tan line?

Our Valentines Dinner--some hometown Italian restaurant.

Torrance wanted some Italian too!

Torrance and Grandpa Moon.

Shreveport Louisiana-- cant remember the name of the river.

Grandpa Moon bought Tori some cammo from The Bass Pro Fishing shop that we went to in Shreveport.

Justin playing with Tori before driving us to the airport to go home :(

Saying bye was so hard--
Well I can't believe the trip flew by so fast!! I loved being able to see Justin and it was great for him to see Torrance. I was also happy that we would be with him onValentines Day:)
So this trip really was great and I am so sad that it's over. I think our next one will be to Georgia which will be a fun, new experience as well. Can I just say I was a little nervous to fly for the third time in my life and with a baby mind you, but it really turned out better then I thought it would. It was a long flight to Houston and then a short one to Jackson Mississippi but Torrance slept the whole way. I couldn't ask for a better baby!
While in Monroe Louisiana we spent most of our time in the Hotel room. While Justin was at work we went and did some shopping with Megan. We didn't veer to far from the hotel because their road system is quite different there and we were afraid of getting lost or mugged:) It was slightly ghetto there. Once done shopping we would head back to our hotel where we would watch TV or nap until Justin got home. Once he was home he just couldn't take his eyes off his little girl. At times it was difficult to remind him that it was time to shower and get ready for dinner. We went to a few fish restaurants while there. They are big on the cat fish and fried foods. I didn't try the catfish but I did have fried pickles(oh man they are awesome!!) and fried bowtie pasta(also very good).
We got to spend V-day there as well and it was great. I gave Justin a card from Tori with her hand traced in it. I think he really loved it!!
On Justin's day off we went to Shreveport. The drive there was a little long but I loved looking at the scenery. Mainly it consisted of Blue Sky and Tonz of trees. The land scape is soo different there.
Monday was our last day there and Justin still had to work. I really didn't want to leave but I knew we had too. Justin drove us to the airport and we flew out at about 5:30 pm. We did not get back to St. George until 3-something in the am. Man did that flight and drive seem so much longer on the way home. Anyways...that was our trip in a nutshell and there was so much more to tell but I gets hard to type with a baby in your arms and I know you all like the pics the most.