Playing in the Sand and Trying to eat it too.
My little girl is growing right before my eyes. I love this little angel so much. I am so greatful to have her and her daddy in my life. I am so happy to be able to see and be with her all day everyday. She is def. a moma's girl and hates when I leave the room. It makes me feel loved but we need to break her of that habbit :) She has changed so much the past few months.
1) Army Crawl
2) 1 st Tooth(still her only and she has had it for almost 2 mo)
3) Big girl crawl
4) Standing up and holing my fingers so she can walk
5) Crawling up our entire 2 stairs~Had 2 falls so far and it breaks mommy's heart!
So much more...
OH MY GOSH! These pictures are to die for! tori looks so stinkin cute in everyone of them, and it's crazy to see how big she is getting. I can't believe that dog bite, so sad. And you should feel happy that Tori loves you so much and wants you. Capri hates me right now, she pushes me away and just wants her daddy. It makes me sad. I am hoping its just a stage and she will be mommies girl again.