Helping mom pack...It was only the beginning!
Moving is never fun!!! But we got through it. Justin was at work and couldn't help so I packed a little of our house each day for about 3 weeks before the acutal move. My parents and sister(Mel) were lifesavers and came down to St. George and helped me pack up the moving truck. Even better was that my dad drove the U-haul back to Evanston (I was so nervous that I would have to do it). After two days of packing the truck we headed home.
Once in E-town we unpacked all of our stuff into a huge storage shed. I was sad to leave so much behind but excited for our next adventure (the move to Georgia). Once all the unpacking was done we enjoyed our 2 weeks of being in E-town and around family. We went to star valley, and enjoyed the family reunion (as you have seen prev.).
I plan to post our long journey to Georgia soon :)
whoah, Georgia!??! I needto update myself on what's going on with you guys! Where in Georgia? Tay and I lived in ATL for a while and really loved it (so different from good ole E-town). You guys look good! Congrats on everything :)