This was 3 months...NOw he is 4 :(

Daddy and His Boy :)

Newborn pics...ONly 3 days old

Family pic @ Dax's blessing
Blessing day...Counselor, My dad-Gave the blessing, Justin, Brandon

My handsome boy in his Daddy's BLessing outfit
TOri' and Her Brother!
Trip to the Zoo in July

Daxton less then 1 Day old with his Big sis

Our 1st Photo with Daxton Scott
So where to start. Being in our own house is amazing and we love our neighbors :) Justin is working on finishing our basement and that def. keeps him busy on his days off.
Now where has the time gone. OUr baby boy Daxton is already 4 months old. AHHHH I just can't believe it. He is such a happy boy and def. puts up with a lot from his big sister!!! ALready rolling over and starting on stage one foods. I honestly can not believe it. I remember when TOri was born I was always excited to watch her grow and see the new things she could do. I am quite the opposite this go around. I just want him to slow down and stay my baby!!!!
THese next few months will be busy full of fun. Birthdays and Holidays. I am a party planner so I am so excited for all that is in store :)
So much more...FOrgot to mention that Justin had to get his appendix out which was no fun!!!