Saturday, May 9, 2009

Our Bathing Beauty

Tori bathing in her new pool.

Mom comforting Tori after a little spill.oops and so sad!
Dad dipping her little toes into the water:)

I am so excited for the summer. It has been so nice here lately and so I just had to go out and buy a little pool. I used to love to swim and so I figure why not start out Torrance early.
She seemed to like it at first until I decided to get in. She was supported by the back of the pool and so I stood up from the grass to hop in and as I stood up she tipped over. It was such a scary moment where her little face went into the water. It was only a spit second but it scared her and it scared me and her dad!! You can never be too careful!!
After the little miss hap I sat with her in the pool and we splashed around. She warmed up to the idea and seemed to enjoy her 30 min sunbathing experience. Maybe they make baby life jackets;)


  1. Ya st. George summers are great... until it gets too hot i guess! Yeah tiffany does babyand family pics... check her website out at and It was fun to c-ya hated that it was walmart though... you are so dang cute and I just lover her squishy cheeks!

  2. That looks so fun! I need to get Capri one of those. I bet Torrance will love it when it gets hotter! She is so cute!

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  4. oh my gosh ape! haha seriously i love that first picture. it actually made me laugh out loud. she is simply adorable!
